Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories and responsibilities for each Governor:
Chair of the Governing Body
Anne Ponisch (Foundation Governor)
Vice Chair of the Governing Body
David Hancock (Community Governor)
Other Governors
James Frazer (Foundation Governor)
Nan Dowell (Foundation Governor)
Katie Heywood (Parent Governor)
Llinos Jones (Parent Governor)
Sheila Titterton (Parent Governor)
Giles Birt (Parent Governor)
Mrs Dominique Meadham (Local Authority Governor)
Cllr. Alistair Cameron (Local Authority Governor)
Vacancy (Local Authority Governor)
Miranda Davies (Additional Community Governor)
Mr Oliver Davies (Teacher Governor)
Tracey Sayers (Staff Governor)
John Palmer (Headteacher)
Mrs Nicole Evans (Bishop's Visitor - non-voting)
Mrs Kathryn Palin (School Admin Manager - non-voting)