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Home Learning 1

Online learning procedures following class or school closure

Remote Learning at Tenby Church In Wales Primary School 


As you can imagine, providing provision for teaching and learning remotely has presented a certain number of challenges for us and for you, our wonderful families.  


As a whole school community, we have worked hard to establish different ways of working to ensure they are successful in achieving our objective – to provide continuity of learning for all pupils.  


We are confident that each class now has established routines and procedures in place that allow pupils to access and complete the work that has been set for them.  


Based on the evidence already gathered, we know that pupils can view and respond to any feedback that their class teacher has left. Providing the logistics for teachers and pupils to remain in constant contact with one another is vital for us as a school to monitor not just progress in terms of learning but other important factors such as monitoring the well-being of our pupils and families.  


Please view the attached information page about how pupils will access and complete their learning online should individual classes or wider school closures occur. 


Quantity and Frequency of Work: 


Each class teacher will upload the work for the week on a Monday morning. We believe that providing the tasks set for the week offer parents and pupils the opportunity to decide their own schedule.  


Every Monday morning, each class teacher will share a ‘weekly overview grid’ to show a brief outline of the week ahead.  


Each week, class teachers will set: 


4 x mathematics lessons (White Rose Maths – see below), 

4 x English / literacy lessons, 

3 x open-ended challenges (covering different curriculum areas) 

Daily opportunities for reading – own books or use 

1 x Online completion of BigMaths challenges per week 

3 x J2Blast or TimesTable Rockstars 20-minute sessions per week 

3 x J2SpellBlast 20-minute sessions per week 

A minimum of three 30-minute Lexia sessions per week – selected pupils only 


All we ask is that you ensure your child does as much as possible in a way that minimises stress for them and for you. We understand that there will be times when you and your child will not be able to complete some tasks. We want to assure you, this is fine.  



White Rose Mathematics: 


The teaching of mathematics has proved the most difficult in terms of providing the correct provision. All too often, mathematics is delivered in a way that’s very much pupil-led 


If for example, a child finds something difficult or too easy, then we as teachers can easily and quickly respond by changing the level of challenge accordingly in the classroom environment. Pupils also rely heavily on being taught procedures in order to move them forward in their learning.  


We have decided to use the White Rose Maths home learning provision. Each lesson is accompanied by a short introductory video in addition to questions and answers to test levels of understanding.  


White Rose Maths is a scheme we often use in school – it is well designed and places a strong emphasis on problem-solving and offers pupils the ability to develop their reasoning skills.  
White Rose Maths is renowned for the high levels of challenge it provides. It is often the case that pupils will use the year below lessons as the level of challenge is great – for example, a year 6 class could complete a White Rose Maths Year 5 lesson.  


With this in mind, please choose the level that best suits your child. Obviously, begin with the current year of your child. If the lessons are too difficult, try the year below or if the lessons are too easy, try the year above.  


An example might be a year 6 pupil who is struggling a little should try the year 5 lesson. On the other hand, a year 6 child who is getting every question correct and finding it fairly easy should try the year 7 lessons. All we ask is that you follow the ‘week number’ that the class teacher assigns.  


When completing the lessons, follow this simple process to ensure success: 


1. Parent and child to watch the introductory video – discuss and correct any misconceptions,  

2. Child completes the provided questions and complete in a book (exercise books are available for collection from the school if required),  

3. Parents to use the provided answers to check the child’s work. Parent and child to discuss any errors made and correct them. Remind children that making mistakes is good, it is learning! 

4. Once the child has finished, they should then post a photograph of the completed page using the relevant app (J2Launch or Microsoft Teams), 

5. The teacher will review the completed work and respond accordingly. 


Any problems? 


If you or your child has not managed to complete any work that has been set so far, please make every effort to contact your child’s class teacher to discuss as a matter of urgency.

